The problem

CO2 and climate change
Production of CO2 from electricity and transportation is causing Climate Change.

Expensive energy
Production of CO2 from electricity and transportation is causing Electricity is too expensive.
The solution

Reduce CO2 emissions
Build an electric generator powered solely by permanent magnets. Eliminate CO2 from electric energy production and transportation.

Cheaper energy
Cut the cost of electricity by 50+% and create wealth, including for the poorest among us.
Is that even possible?
Yes, and we have a working prototype!
Clean energy solution
Imagine a solution to the problem of Climate Change and increasing CO2 polution, that wil bring cheap power, clean air, pollution-free transportation, and desalination to everyone.
Infinity SAV has invented an electric generator powered solely by permanent magnets.
We invented this technology for four years and invested 725,000 US dollars into it. We had several scale models before the current prototype. The current model produces 3 kW continuously, when you start it. At 2018 march, we are planning to deliver 10kW prototype.
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